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Tag: Insurance Basics

What happens if my auto insurance lapses?

What Happens If My Auto Insurance Lapses? Have you ever been in a situation where you forget to pay your auto insurance premium on time, and suddenly you realize that your policy has lapsed? It can be a stressful experience. You’re not alone, this happens more frequently than you think. Let’s take a look at what happens if your auto insurance lapses, what consequences there may...

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Can You Get a Refund on Your Car Insurance?

Can You Get a Refund on Your Auto Insurance? Are you thinking about canceling your auto insurance policy but you’re not sure if you’ll get a refund on auto insurance if you do? Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. In this post, we’ll explain everything you need to know about getting a refund on your auto insurance policy if you need to cancel your policy. Canceling...

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How to Cancel Your Auto Insurance

How to Cancel Your Auto Insurance Policy Auto insurance is a must-have for every car owner. It helps you protect yourself and your vehicle in case of accidents, theft, or other unforeseen events. However, there may be times when you need to cancel your auto insurance policy. Maybe you found a better deal with another insurer, or perhaps you’re selling your car and won’t need...

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What is Motorcycle Insurance

What is Motorcycle Insurance? Are you a motorcycle enthusiast? Are you planning to buy a new motorcycle or already own one? Motorcycle insurance is something that you need to consider. Accidents happen, and it is always better to be safe than sorry. But what is motorcycle insurance, and how does it work? Let us help you find answers to these questions and provide you with a guide to...

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What is Renters Insurance?

What is Renters Insurance and Do I Need It? You just rented a new home and your landlord is asking for a copy of your renter’s insurance policy. You tell them, “No problem.” Then it dawns on you, what is renters insurance anyway? Does it protect me or my landlord? If it protects me, then why do they want a copy? It’s all so confusing. Let’s start by setting the...

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How Does New Car Insurance Work?

How Does New Car Insurance Work? You’ve done all your research, watched all the videos on YouTube, and performed all the test drives, now it’s time to buy that new car. Fun! For many, there is just one more question to get answered, “how does new car insurance work?” You need coverage for your new wheels, right? For many, it’s super easy and your current auto...

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What is a Declarations Page?

What is the Insurance Declarations Page? The insurance declarations page is an important part of your home or auto insurance policy. It’s also a part of understanding how your insurance works.  It has most of the vital information about your policy. It tells you who’s covered and the coverages you pay a premium for. When you buy a new insurance policy, or your current policy...

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What is Condo Insurance?

What is Condo Insurance? If you own a condo, just like a single-family home, you need insurance. It’s not homeowners insurance, rather it’s condo insurance  – sometimes referred to as an “HO6” policy. But what is condo insurance and what makes it different from homeowners? Like your home insurance, condo insurance can cover liability claims and damages to your condo unit and...

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Car Insurance For College Students

Car Insurance for the College Student Explained As the parent of a college-age student, you’re now becoming fully aware of the cost of raising your child. Adding to this stress, you now have to get your young adult into a good school. The competition is fierce to get into college. If it’s a top-tier school, forget it. Along with all the application stressors, you are also thinking...

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What If a Friend Crashes Your Car?

What Happens if a Friend Crashes Your Car? It’s a popular insurance myth that car insurance follows the driver. In reality, it typically follows the car. As a result, if your friend crashes your car it’s going to be your auto insurance policy that’s first in line to pay the claim. Of course, the nature of the protection depends on the limits and coverage purchased. Now, what...

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