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Auto Repair Shop Insurance

Provide your information once, and we’ll shop your auto repair insurance with our +A-Rated carrier partners.

Rather speak with an insurance agent? Call us: (877) 334-7646

What is auto repair shop insurance?

What is Auto Repair Insurance

Auto repair shop insurance is specialized protection designed to protect auto repair facilities, mechanics, and mobile mechanics. It provides coverage from liabilities that result from accidents that happen during the operation of your garage. The right garage insurance coverage can protect your shop from the financial risks associated with lawsuits and claims.

You can share your information once, and we’ll shop your auto repair business with our +A-Rated insurance carriers. We have business insurance agents ready to help, or you can start a quote online. Either way, we can tailor coverage for your unique business.

Do you need auto repair shop insurance?

As the owner of an auto repair shop, you know it involves unique risks. Working on customers’ cars is a big responsibility, that comes with significant risk. The shop is full of dangerous power tools and specialized equipment both of which are hazardous. However, if you have the right business insurance, you can run your auto repair business with confidence.

Garage Insurance

Who needs garage insurance?

  • Retail tire shops

  • Auto repair shops

  • Mechanics

  • Collision shops or body repair

  • Garage

  • Auto services excellence (ASE) or I-CAR certifications

  • Audio installers or repair shops

Is a BOP the best policy for auto mechanics?

It’s common for auto repair shops and mechanics to have a Business Owner’s Policy (BOP). BOPs offer most of the protection a small business needs, in a convenient package policy. Whether in a BOP or purchased individually, here are the coverages auto repair professionals should consider:

GL for Auto Repair
Nearly all small businesses need this coverage. It protects against things like bodily injury, property damage, completed operations, and advertising injury that may arise from your business.
BOP for Auto Repair Shop
This coverage packages general liability and property coverage into one convenient policy. It’s a common choice for small businesses with commercial buildings or business personal property.
Work Comp for Auto Repair
This coverage protects you and your employees. It helps pay for medical costs and lost wages to employees who become injured or ill on the job or in the course and scope of their employment.
Garage Keepers Insurance

This is one of the most important coverages for an auto repair shop. It protects you when you have the customer’s vehicle in your care and custody.

Cyber Liability

Protects against electronic threats, data breaches, and cyber-attacks. Auto repair shops frequently store customer data and even payment methods, like credit cards.

Commercial Auto

If you use business-owned vehicles for client meetings and showings, this coverage can protect your vehicle-related exposures.  You may also need hired and non-owned auto.

Let’s Get Started

Request a business insurance quote with a specialist. We shop your
insurance with our A+ rated insurance partners.
Call 1-877-334-7646 to speak with a business specialist