Learn Tips to Successfully Bring a New Pet Home

You found the perfect pet and now you’re totally in love. You can’t wait to get it home. However, before you bring home a new pet you need to confirm compatibility – for both parties. So, what can you do to make that new member of your family feel welcome and have a perfect introduction to the family?
Initial considerations before you buy
Before you bring a new pet home you must make sure all members of your family—two legs or four—have had a chance to meet. This will give you an opportunity to observe any personality conflicts, and if all members are behaviorally compatible. Another important consideration, and this one is a real concern to many families, is whether anyone has allergies. Sure, some dog breeds shed less or are considered to be hypoallergenic, but you really won’t know until there is real interaction. In any case, upon meeting the prospective new pet, anyone with allergies should let your potential canine companion lick their hand to see if they’re allergic to their saliva. But more importantly, they should spend some time playing with the new pet to see if any eye or nasal irritation initiates, or if the pet’s dander causes any breathing issues.
Do your have children in the home?
If there are children in the home, or if you intend to have children, then consider family friendly breeds or dogs that are highly trainable. Generally speaking, dogs that are eager to please are best for families. Maybe you’re considering a rescue dog. If this is the case, then take your time to find the right pet. The harsh reality is that some rescues may have suffered trauma, and these pets are not always a good fit with young children. Also, if you have young children, and a dog is your pet of choice, consider a larger breed. Larger dogs can be more compatible with children, especially if your child wants to climb on them and physically interact a lot. Larger dogs tend to be more patient, and suffer the occasional tail tug with more tolerance.
If you have extended family members in the home, older people may not have patience for a high-energy pet. Moreover, very young children may not be a good match either. Take into consideration your family makeup before you bring home a new pet.
Is the new pet lifestyle compatible?
Before you bring home that new pet, you need to know if your and your new best friend will enjoy compatible lifestyles. Being fully aware of your lifestyle will help you select the right size and breed of dog. When considering a new pet, consider these simply lifestyle questions, and how your new pet will fit:
- What is the lifestyle you lead?
- Does your lifestyle afford time for walks, routine or at all?
- Are you really prepared for and have the time to care for a dependent?
- Are you a clean freak?
- Does your job keep require long hours away from the home?
- Do you travel a lot?
- Are you a homebody, or do your enjoy being outdoors?
- Why do you want a pet?
- If you want a dog, is it for companionship or protection?
The size and breed are important
You may really want a Great Dane, but is that really the right choice for you and your space? Think carefully about the size and breed of your new pet. This is particularly more important when looking for dogs. Before you commit to a new pet consider these things:
- If you rent your home: If you’re a renter you need to confirm your landlord allows pets. If they do, are there limitations on size and breed?
- Large or small space: Do you have a small home or apartment? Does you home have a yard, and what size? Are there parks close to home? Note: for those who live in rural areas, you need to consider the local wildlife.
Smaller spaces and those with limited yard space may not be a good fit for a larger breed dog. This means you will have to walk the dog frequently. If you’re unable to to a frequent walking routine, then a small dog might be better option. However, large dogs can still make good small space or apartment dogs. They do have a calmer nature. But you need to be fully prepared to spend time outdoors walking your dog and have access to nearby outdoor space, like dog parks.
Getting a pure-bred breed is extremely popular, but a mixed-breed or a rescue dog is an awesome choice as well. In fact, mixed-breed dogs tend to be more mellow, and are less prone to congenital issues of their pure-breed counterparts. which means less problems for you to deal with in the future – or your pet insurance company.
Know your pet’s age and expected and lifespan
If you’re buying a puppy from a local breeder, then you’ll be able to ask questions about life expectancy and will obviously know the pet’s age. However, you may also be considering an adoption. In this case you may not be able to determine age as easily, or assess the full life expectancy. Whatever your plan, her are the four typical age groups you’ll be considering and what to expect:
- A puppy: Adopting a puppy, of course, gives you the most control over the pet’s development. However, puppies require a lot of care—you’ll spend a lot of time cleaning up accidents, potty training, and playing with your new best friend. Expect to be a bit sleep-deprived, and not having a lot of extra free time.
- The juvenile dog: These pets are usually between 1 to 3 years of age. Adopting a juvenile as some benefits. You’ll get more sleep and likely won’t have to do any potty training. However, if the former owner did a bad job, you may have to work through negative personality traits.
- A full adult dog: If you adopting an adult dog you get to skip the annoying puppy behaviors entirely. You may still need to provide some training and supervision, however. Like the juvenile pet, with an adult, you still run the risk of behavioral issues. In the adult it may be more common for these traits to come out after you bring it home, rather than during the adoption process.
- The senior dog: Older dogs provide you with the greatest potential of having a fully trained, calm and happy companion. A pet ready to love and be loved. There is a downside, however, adult pets are more prone to health issues and you won’t be part of the family for as long. This is a real consideration.
Age is important when considered in conjunction to the expected lifespan. Dog breeds have a wide spread of life expectancy, ranging from seven (7) all the way up to eighteen (18) years. This is important information. Make sure you understand the long or short-term commitment you’re willing to make. When you adopt a dog, you’re committed to that dog until death – yours or theirs. 🙂
Temperamental is not temperament
Just like people, pets have personalities and each is different. This is especially true with dogs. When trying to understand how your new pet may behave, it’s important to take into consideration what the dog breed was initially bred for – this will help determine temperament. For instance, if your dog was bred for hunting it will need plenty of exercise. A dog bred for security will be tend to be more protective of their family (or pack).
If you have a playful dog, it will require more exercise than a more mellow dog. Intelligent dogs are great for people seeking companionship and comfort, while loyal dogs can be depended on to be by your side through think-and-thin.
Before you buy a new pet or dog, ask yourself why you want this new pet. This will help you narrow down the types and breeds of dogs or pets that are right for you, and improve the overall experience – for both of you.
Your pet won’t come cheap
Buy a new cat or dog isn’t going to be a huge, life changing, financial transaction. But it’s also not cheap. If your buying a pure-bred dog, the prices will obviously be more. Think in excess of $2,000 just to start the conversation with a more common breed, and it only gets more expensive from there. Even if you will be adopting a rescue there will be adoption fees.
In addition of to the general acquisition costs of the cat or dog, you will also have expenses for food, accessories (like a bed, toys, etc.), training, grooming, and don’t forget the veterinarian. You may even need to factor in damage to home and furnishing – gotta love a puppy!
In addition to the direct pet expenses, if you’ve purchased dog you should check to see if your renters or homeowners insurance premium will increase. In fact, some dog breed are considered dangerous and high risk, and you could find that your current insurance company doesn’t want to insure you home if you after you bring home your new dog. Lastly, given the chances of unexpected medical costs, you should investigate buying pet insurance, too.
Bottom line
Sure, a new cat or dog will bring tremendous love into your life. They will fill up your time, and give you a friend who seems to always have the right answers. However, there’s a lot to consider before jumping into pet ownership, and you owe it to yourself and the pet to do your homework before you buy. If done right, and you do bring a new pet home, you won’t be disappointed.

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