Driving Under the Influence of Distracted Driving?
By now you should already know that texting and driving, also known as distracted driving, is a risky bet. We insurance agents, especially those who focus on auto insurance, are eager to get the word out to those who haven’t got the message. Hopefully, together, we can all help to mitigate or possibly eliminate this risky behavior.
In our daily lives, we already have much to preoccupy our minds and keep us distracted. We don’t need to add additional distractions when we drive. Nonetheless, in a recent study by the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute, it was found that the manual-visual tasks associated with your phone (or hand-held devices) increase the risk of being involved in a car accident. This is classic distracted driving stuff!
The manual-visual tasks they’re referring to included reaching for and dialing your phone, and of course, TEXTING! These behaviors can increase the likelihood of getting into a car accident by as much as three times. That’s significant.
It seems absurd when you think about it, most people take auto safety seriously, won’t leave their pet in a hot car, and generally obey the rules of the road. But when it comes to their phones, we take unnecessary chances.
But I Use Hand-Free Devices
If you’re thinking that you’re safe because you use a hands-free device, think again. While it is true, that you’re at a reduced risk, it’s still associated with a greater risk of a car crash.
Before you take that next call or check your email or texts, be aware of all the statistics behind distracted driving. Read the infographic below and share this post with friends and family. The more people are aware, the better we all are.
Take the Distracted Driving Quiz
The bottom line
Join all insurance companies, safety experts, and insurance agents who are trying to get the word out about distracted driving. Keep our roads safe, keep our teens safe, and keep up the vigil.